How to Get Your Traffic Back After a Google Rankings Drop

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As an affiliate marketer, it’s important for you to know how to get your traffic back after a Google rankings drop. This is very common especially when you have just lost a Google ranking and you want your site to rank high again. It takes time to build a brand image and then all of sudden, you can’t find your old site or you’ve got new competitors taking over your keywords. In this article, I’m going to show you three steps that you need to take in order to get your website back into the search engines.

The first thing you need to do after you have a Google Rankings drop is analyze why your site dropped out of the rankings. If it’s because you didn’t update your site, there’s still time before you can fix that. But the sooner you address the problem, the sooner you can work on bringing it back up again. It’s common knowledge that most people will not spend money on a site that they don’t think they’ll ever use.

So if you haven’t updated your site recently, the first step you need to take is to go back to the drawing board and figure out what happened and fixed it. What happened that made your page rank disappear? Was the new page your site contained totally different content than the one you had before? Did you lose a link on a page that had poor quality content?

If you found all these questions answered to your satisfaction, then you need to go back and re-establish your site. You need to fix all the broken links, make the pages clean and spiffy, and then you can begin to work on re-contending with the search engines. There’s really no reason why you can’t be on top again. There are countless tools on the Internet that will help you with this. One of the easiest ways to get back your rankings is to write relevant content for your site that will draw the attention of the search engines. You don’t even have to do this if you don’t want to.

When you get a Google Rankings drop, you should just consider one thing. That thing is, just forget about it. All your efforts to get back into the search engine rankings might as well have been a waste of time because the rankings might never come back. The whole internet is like a rickety, unstable staircase. Things change on the staircase and you need to make sure that your site stays stable so you can keep up with the changes and learn from them to improve your SEO techniques.

Another point to consider is that it’s important to include backlinks in your content. This doesn’t mean that you have to advertise. But you have to make sure that you link back from each and every page in your website. Backlinks are important because Google considers every one of the web pages as one that points to your page.

If you get a Google rankings drop, one of the most important things you can do is to get backlinks pointing back to the page where you got your site ranked. If you had a very high page rank, then this can be a lot easier said than done, but it is possible. If you have a low page rank, it is still possible to get backlinks to your site pointing to the page where you got your site ranked. The problem is that Google might consider all the links on your site as one that was spam. This will lower your page rank and will make it a lot harder to get traffic back. Make sure you only get back links from quality sites.

There are a few other things you can do if you find yourself with a Google rankings drop. Try visiting competitor’s websites and linking to them from your own site. This is a great way for you to get the exposure your site needs. You can even go to the page where your competitor’s site is listed and ask them if they would like to link to your page. If they agree, that is a very good thing. Just make sure you ask nicely and don’t ever spam anyone.

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